Takze RB 450 som updatol bez problemov na v6.33.
Problem mam s RB 433. Pouzil som v4.9 ale po reboote
This RouterOS version is designed to work only with new format RouterOS keys. These keys can be recognized by the longer SoftID, which is 8 characters long, instead of previous 7.
The upgrade to new format key is free of charge, and can be done automatically right now in Winbox.
Please click on "Update License" button to get the new key.
If you do not update the key, this RouterOS installation will expire in 71h and 50m, and will require a complete reinstall.
for the key change to take effect, you should reboot the router. Reboot now ?
Tak som klikol na "Update License" a vysledok
Your router does not have any valid key.
Please, get valid key from www.mikrotik.com
and enter it at "System | License".
If you already have paid for this license, please,
press "Update Key" in "License Window"
Router will stop functioning after 23h and 30m if no valid key is entered.
Current installation "software ID": 525A-0J98
Ked som klikol na "update license key" tak
could not change the key-invalid key
Je mozne s tym nieco robit ?
O 22 hodin mi vyprsi licencia a zrejme nebude fungovat mikrotik.
Pozeral som cenu licencie, tak ta je nieco nad 30€ a novy RB750r2 (2x vykonnejsi ako mam) stoji aj s L4 35€.
Prip. mozem sa vratit na nejaku starsiu ver. kde plati stara licencia ?