Mám nasledovný problém
Od poskytovatela mam 2 nezavisle linky, mam to nastavené takto:
/ip firewall nat
add chain=dstnat comment="dns forward" dst-port=53 in-interface="!ether2" protocol=udp src-address= to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="dns forward" dst-port=53 in-interface="!ether2" protocol=udp src-address= to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=src-nat chain=srcnat src-address-list=net_1 to-addresses=91.x.x.193
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-address=91.x.x.193 to-addresses=
/ip route
add distance=40 gateway=91.x.y.1
/routing bgp network
add network=91.x.x.192/26 synchronize=no
/routing bgp peer
add name=Primary nexthop-choice=force-self remote-address=185.x.x.77 remote-as=57248 ttl=default
ip route print
Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic, C - connect, S - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, m - mme,
B - blackhole, U - unreachable, P - prohibit
0 ADb 185.x.x.77 20
1 S 91.x.y.1 40
nastavenie ip
/ip address
add address= interface=Vinice network=
add address=91.x.y.11/28 interface="ether1 - secundary" network=91.x.y.0
add address=91.x.x.193/29 interface=ether5 network=91.x.x.192
add address= interface=KD_18GHz network=
add address= interface="ether3 -11GHz" network=
add address= interface="ether6 - Vinice" network=
add address= interface="ether6 - Vinice13GHz" network=
add address= interface=loopback network=
add address=185.x.x.78/30 interface="ether2 - primary" network=185.x.x.76
OSPF mam nastavené takto:
/routing ospf area
set [ find default=yes ]
/routing ospf instance
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=yes
add distribute-default=always-as-type-1 metric-default=1 name=Vinice router-id=
/routing ospf area
add area-id= instance=Vinice name=Vinice
add area-id= instance=Vinice name=KD
/routing ospf interface
add cost=11 interface="ether6 - Vinice" network-type=broadcast
add cost=13 interface=Vinice network-type=broadcast
add cost=8 interface="ether3 - 11GHz" network-type=broadcast
add cost=9 interface=KD network-type=broadcast
/routing ospf network
add area=Vinice network=
add area=Vinice network=
add area=Vinice network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=91.x.x.248/29
add area=KD network=
toto je nastavenie hlavneho routra.
Takto mam nastaveny router na Viniciach:
/routing ospf area
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=yes
/routing ospf instance
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=yes
add name=Vinice router-id= redistribute-static=as-type-1
/routing ospf area
add area-id= instance=Vinice name=Vinice
/routing ospf interface
add cost=11 interface="ether3 - Uplink_13GHz" network-type=broadcast
add cost=13 interface="ether2 - Uplink_5GHz" network-type=broadcast
/routing ospf network
add area=Mana_Vinice network=
add area=Mana_Vinice network=
add area=Mana_Vinice network=
Takto mam nastaveny router v KD:
/routing ospf instance
add name=KD redistribute-connected=as-type-1 \
redistribute-static=as-type-1 router-id=
/routing ospf area
add area-id= instance=KD name=KD
/routing ospf interface
add cost=8 interface="ether2 - Uplink_11GHz" network-type=\
add cost=9 interface="ether1 - Uplink_18GHz" network-type=\
/routing ospf nbma-neighbor
add address= instance=KD priority=4
/routing ospf network
add area=KD network=91.x.x.248/29
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
add area=KD network=
Mám problém s tym ze OSPF mi nechodi. Neviem preco. Menil som aj
ale nic nepomohlo. Co tam mám zle ? Nejak mi dosli nápady
Dalsi problem je ze neopingam gateway = 185.x.x.77 z mojho pc. Z hlavneho routra to ide
Casom som zistil ze neopingam ani IP adresy 91.x.y.11 a 91.x.x.193 z vonku siete. a neviem preco. Viete mi poradit ?
Ak by sa to podarilo vyriesit potreboval by som tu linku na KD vid obrazokv <--- ia0 -->routingOSPF.png<--- ia0 -->
kde je licenc 500M a 200M dat do mpls. Tu som sa snazil na testovacich routroch nastavit ale neslo mi to. Viete poradit ako ?
Ale prvom rade by som rad vyriesil tie problemy vyssie ako to MPLS to ma az tak neboli
Ďakujem za kazdu radu