Tak pozoruji rozpojovani bezdratu na ruznych mistech/HW
FW co pouzivam, je 6.36.4 801.11n
Jeden pripad:
U klienta je videt:
07:38:09 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:38:26 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:38:42 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:38:59 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:39:15 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:39:32 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:39:49 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:40:05 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:40:22 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:40:38 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:40:55 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:41:11 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
07:41:28 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: : failed to connect, on 5560/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
Na vysilaci:
may/07 17:40:03 wireless,info : data from unknown device 6C:3B:6B: , sent deauth
may/07 17:40:04 wireless,info : data from unknown device 6C:3B:6B: , sent deauth
may/07 17:40:05 wireless,info : data from unknown device 6C:3B:6B: , sent deauth
may/07 17:40:06 wireless,info : data from unknown device 6C:3B:6B: , sent deauth
may/07 17:40:07 wireless,info : data from unknown device 6C:3B:6B: , sent deauth
may/07 17:41:22 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: @ : connected
may/07 19:03:47 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: @ : reassociating
may/07 19:03:47 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: @ : disconnected, ok
may/07 19:03:47 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: @ : connected
may/07 21:45:57 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B:XXXXXXXXXX@ : disconnected, group key exchange timeout
may/07 21:45:57 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B: @ : disconnected, group key exchange timeout
07:40:31 system,info,account user iTomB logged in from via winbox
Asi zacal blbnout jeden klient a pak se odpojili oba dva. Na vysilaci dam scan a vse ok ... Neco jako chybne casovani u sifrovani bezdratu ...
Mate s tim nekdo nejakou zkusenost? Hledal jsem i na ofico foru a stejny problem.
Sektor horn s 912, klienti LHG a SXT.
Celkem zaruseno, ale stava se mi to i na jinem miste, kde chytam do 15 vysilacu. Podezreni je, ze to nejak schazuje UBNT.
Na druhem miste jsou 2x SXT proti sobe a zrovna ted, se mi stalo to same. Byl jsem na vzdalene jednotce a odpojeno.
LOG z klienta:
09:13:28 system,info,account user logged in from via winbox
09:13:42 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : lost connection, extensive data loss
09:13:49 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : failed to connect, on 5600/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
09:14:04 system,info,account user logged out from via winbox
09:14:04 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : failed to connect, on 5600/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
09:14:19 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : failed to connect, on 5600/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
09:14:34 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : failed to connect, on 5600/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
09:14:48 wireless,info D4:CA:6D : failed to connect, on 5600/20/an(14dBm), authentication timeout
09:15:00 wireless,info D4:CA:6D established connection on 5600000, SSID XXXXXXXX
09:13:54 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B : disconnected, extensive data loss
09:14:52 script,warning Odpojeno oprava scriptem
09:15:00 wireless,info 6C:3B:6B : connected
Delka spoje 230m, bezna latence 0-1ms, propustnost 90Mbit pri latenci 20-30ms.