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Use cases and conclusions
The CCR1036 certainly had no issues getting to 10 Gbps with the right MTU and test hardware, but we were suprised that the IPSEC thoughput was so high. Considering a pair of CCR1036-8G-2S+ routers are just a little over $2000.00 USD, 7.5 Gigabits of encrypted throughput with IPSEC is incredible. Even over a 1500 byte MTU, the 1.7 Gbps we were able to hit is amazing considering it would probably take at least 20k to 30k USD to reach that kind of encrypted throughput with equipment from a mainstream network vendor like Cisco or Juniper.
V diskuzi, se ale ozvali 2 jedinci, ze se pokouseli o to same se stejnym zarizenim a s ipsec meli jen 38Mbs...