Zdravím, prosím o pomoc s nastavením VPN L2PT. Jde o to, že když se připojím přes mobil (android) tak se spojení vytvoří, ale přes Windows 7 ne. Zkoumal jsem všchno možné a nic.
Vím, tady se to probíralo Xkrát, ale nic jsem nenašel co by odpovídalo mému problému. Nevíte kde může být problém. Porty l2tp v firewallu jsou povolené.
Děkuji všem za rady
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:01:54 ipsec,debug peer's single bundle:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=38c3a5e1 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=0:0)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug my single bundle:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=00000000 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=36:36)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug (trns_id=3DES encklen=0 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec Adjusting my encmode UDP-Transport->Transport
11:01:54 ipsec Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Transport(4)->Transport(2)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug matched
11:01:54 ipsec,debug ===
11:01:54 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_getspi 97
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pfkey GETSPI sent: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500]
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pfkey getspi sent.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug total SA len=64
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000001 00000038 01030401 00000000 0000002c 010c0000 80040004
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:01:54 ipsec,debug begin.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=56
11:01:54 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug proposal #1 len=56
11:01:54 ipsec,debug begin.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=44
11:01:54 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=44
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:01:54 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:01:54 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pair 1:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 0x497b20: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug proposal #1: 1 transform
11:01:54 ipsec,debug NAT-OAi:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 01001194 2e17331c
11:01:54 ipsec,debug NAT-OAr:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 64, next type 10
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 24, next type 5
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 5
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 0
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000004 eca7a7f8 557f20ef af25bf9a 4096daca 65640ed8 1d06f0fd 81b334b6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1a7bbe09 ef621273 b4a4aa84 0e479f8d 1cd2ec99 0a000044 00000001 00000001
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000038 01030401 0ef427a8 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c d3aae422
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 473b1b78 e4048a81 257a3122 d4f9a2fd 278bc6be 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c 01001194
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 0a3f6402
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 9b93084a a86860e4 0c00cd83 cec2bc21 4fc75df6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug add payload of len 20, next type 1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug begin encryption.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pad length = 8
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 01000018 9b93084a a86860e4 0c00cd83 cec2bc21 4fc75df6 0a000044 00000001
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000038 01030401 0ef427a8 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c
11:01:54 ipsec,debug d3aae422 473b1b78 e4048a81 257a3122 d4f9a2fd 278bc6be 0500000c 011106a5
11:01:54 ipsec,debug c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402 120629ac 67db4e07
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug with key:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encrypted payload by IV:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug dd001b88 5807f5af
11:01:54 ipsec,debug save IV for next:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug df5ad15a fc22dbbd
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encrypted.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 204 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1 times of 208 bytes message will be sent to[4500]
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000004 000000cc 200f17b9
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet a0e2ddfd 0e5f4139 3c04ce8f 75e0ef6c cf443725 8c41d8f9 a389b140 32f9a4a6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 464a1332 815cf612 9428aa47 744b6f10 b6d826a5 33986c98 3857e399 62f33408
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 14779378 5c08c276 c170e7b9 ce067054 d4b6a824 1eaec779 b61a338c 7c399fac
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet ebcc9db7 47ac9efd 428b561e 6a56367b cdabc008 9ad9c77c 5b0b0e2e 3371b1b2
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 4a4bab82 52110d0b df401023 a628f1f8 7b68000b 05d43d89 764529dd eac9f67f
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 8aac281b df5ad15a fc22dbbd
11:01:54 ipsec sent phase2 packet[4500]<=>[4500] b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a:00000004
11:01:54 ipsec,debug ===== received 60 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000004 0000003c d6eb3d9f
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 7c10f9ca 8043b720 0c1dd3d3 3ee87d93 d3edaaec d630b95f c7f1c49b
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug d630b95f c7f1c49b
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug with key:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug df5ad15a fc22dbbd
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000018 9354c680 8493caa0 37ab56d7 108219c2 ac5bfdc8 00000000 00000000
11:01:54 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000004 0000003c 00000018
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 9354c680 8493caa0 37ab56d7 108219c2 ac5bfdc8 00000000 00000000
11:01:54 ipsec,debug begin.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:01:54 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH(3) validate:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 9354c680 8493caa0 37ab56d7 108219c2 ac5bfdc8
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 00000000 04eca7a7 f8557f20 efaf25bf 9a4096da ca65640e d81d06f0 fd81b334
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b61a7bbe 09ef6212 73b4a4aa 840e479f 8d1cd2ec 99d3aae4 22473b1b 78e4048a
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 81257a31 22d4f9a2 fd278bc6 be
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 9354c680 8493caa0 37ab56d7 108219c2 ac5bfdc8
11:01:54 ipsec,debug ===
11:01:54 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 030ef427 a8eca7a7 f8557f20 efaf25bf 9a4096da ca65640e d81d06f0 fd81b334
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b61a7bbe 09ef6212 73b4a4aa 840e479f 8d1cd2ec 99d3aae4 22473b1b 78e4048a
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 81257a31 22d4f9a2 fd278bc6 be
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:01:54 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b556bec8 0637e79a 4b8a54da ea3fee71 b298347f 76ba551c 9c34fb1f 898dfb5f
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 27400fa4 c9279cfa 60bf90bb 4b13a1fc 70d1cf67 73066c58 d3b5ccb5 6da86540
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 87df2e4b d71e4315 c35d6cbc caa16b23
11:01:54 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 0338c3a5 e1eca7a7 f8557f20 efaf25bf 9a4096da ca65640e d81d06f0 fd81b334
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b61a7bbe 09ef6212 73b4a4aa 840e479f 8d1cd2ec 99d3aae4 22473b1b 78e4048a
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 81257a31 22d4f9a2 fd278bc6 be
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:01:54 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 8b303301 cd69919f 6d8f955a 4baf99f1 33ec7890 854b5dae 0d6d481c ac23ba23
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b93f98f5 43ae055c 373abe13 ebd03cdc 095dbe76 0be27b7c 7515c342 f350eff6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 438b9e42 c7ad3d31 36192bf7 032ebcc1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug KEYMAT computed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug call pk_sendupdate
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_update_nat
11:01:54 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0xef427a8
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pfkey update sent.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_add_nat
11:01:54 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0x38c3a5e1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug pfkey add sent.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug ===== received 76 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 5ed33c72 0000004c f8e8c8de
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet 1c4987ae 35503216 7f4d3806 2bae4756 7b5fad5e 6aa914e7 39004c58 205987f3
11:01:54 ipsec,debug,packet ec0cfe80 2bb904c0 28a6bce6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug receive Information.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:01:54 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 5ed33c72
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug a94317b4 49141294
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 2bb904c0 28a6bce6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug with key:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug a94317b4 49141294
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 0c000018 6adc7635 93261417 8fcc73a7 e5276614 4a760fd8 00000010 00000001
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 03040001 9896cc86 00000000 00000000
11:01:54 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:01:54 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 5ed33c72 0000004c 0c000018
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 6adc7635 93261417 8fcc73a7 e5276614 4a760fd8 00000010 00000001 03040001
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 9896cc86 00000000 00000000
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 5ed33c72 00000010 00000001 03040001 9896cc86
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:01:54 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:01:54 ipsec,debug 6adc7635 93261417 8fcc73a7 e5276614 4a760fd8
11:01:54 ipsec,debug hash validated.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug begin.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:01:54 ipsec,debug seen nptype=12(delete) len=16
11:01:54 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug delete payload for protocol ESP
11:01:54 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0x9896cc86
11:01:54 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0xe49b67c
11:01:54 ipsec,debug an undead schedule has been deleted.
11:01:54 ipsec,debug purged SAs.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===== received 276 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000005 00000114 107a7c22
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet e17a1567 e3523192 5f03df94 2085b051 75b5c33f 7945f346 83ddff33 44f929b6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet bdbb07b3 05082cd5 d7a673ce cc157fd3 85acb15b 70dfdd4e 155eef27 7989a1e8
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet ec4f7edf 43090e90 af34d974 b6312619 7931875f c62a1c19 4d9fa679 70a4dac8
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet eda93b80 ee12b723 68387d5a fee8ba82 2b4fa9b9 0fdd22d9 eb588fba fd0c27c1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 9f0f9280 730658d2 562165c3 af71cb9f 02e80486 f25f9100 4fdec518 fae0996b
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet bfa3a801 d8bcc0ba 78a6e5a7 751151be 5f7d4010 f89d3fad 6688bf1b 0ff1066d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 14671502 c2ec100a 96f2a7bb 1f156393 c7567c7b cd99ab53 256a244c b3290de4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 6a293039 a4c0995c 30add5d0 7543707f bb59ce75
11:02:02 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:02 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 00000005
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 6263ad43 46e9858d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:02 ipsec respond new phase 2 negotiation:[4500]<=>[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 7543707f bb59ce75
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 6263ad43 46e9858d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01000018 e1fcc3c7 0f99fa63 0720d1fd 3c99fe8d c97fdb33 0a000078 00000001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000001 02000038 01030401 5d7bf4bd 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 00000034
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 02030401 5d7bf4bd 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001 00020004
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034 70d46d58 aa207f66 05257987
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 163d4da4 fa405b3b 070ee7c7 d5094271 2ed595e6 5c2db7ea 0cdc45f2 5272faba
11:02:02 ipsec,debug f6abf9bc 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01000000 c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000005 00000114 01000018
11:02:02 ipsec,debug e1fcc3c7 0f99fa63 0720d1fd 3c99fe8d c97fdb33 0a000078 00000001 00000001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 02000038 01030401 5d7bf4bd 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 00000034 02030401
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 5d7bf4bd 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034 70d46d58 aa207f66 05257987 163d4da4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug fa405b3b 070ee7c7 d5094271 2ed595e6 5c2db7ea 0cdc45f2 5272faba f6abf9bc
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=1(sa) len=120
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=10(nonce) len=52
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=5(id) len=12
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=5(id) len=12
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=21(nat-oa) len=12
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=21(nat-oa) len=12
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug received IDci2:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 011106a5 c0a8020c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug received IDcr2:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 011106a5 2e173322
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH(1) validate:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug e1fcc3c7 0f99fa63 0720d1fd 3c99fe8d c97fdb33
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000005 0a000078 00000001 00000001 02000038 01030401 5d7bf4bd 0000002c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00020004 0003d090 00000034 02030401 5d7bf4bd 00000028 01030000 80040004
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 70d46d58 aa207f66 05257987 163d4da4 fa405b3b 070ee7c7 d5094271 2ed595e6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 5c2db7ea 0cdc45f2 5272faba f6abf9bc 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01000000 c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug e1fcc3c7 0f99fa63 0720d1fd 3c99fe8d c97fdb33
11:02:02 ipsec,debug total SA len=116
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000001 02000038 01030401 5d7bf4bd 0000002c 010c0000 80040004
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000034 02030401 5d7bf4bd 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=56
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=52
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #1 len=56
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=44
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=44
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:02 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #2 len=52
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=40
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=40
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:02 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pair 1:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0x48d048: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #1: 1 transform
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pair 2:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0x492ad0: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #2: 1 transform
11:02:02 ipsec,debug got the local address from ID payload[1701] prefixlen=32 ul_proto=17
11:02:02 ipsec,debug got the peer address from ID payload[1701] prefixlen=32 ul_proto=17
11:02:02 ipsec,debug updating policy address because of NAT in transport mode
11:02:02 ipsec,debug new local address[1701]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug new peer address[1701]
11:02:02 ipsec searching for policy for selector: ip-proto:17 <=> ip-proto:17
11:02:02 ipsec recorded wild match: <=> ip-proto:17
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=00000000 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=36:36)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (trns_id=3DES encklen=0 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin compare proposals.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pair[1]: 0x48d048
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0x48d048: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug prop#=1 prot-id=ESP spi-size=4 #trns=1 trns#=1 trns-id=AES-CBC
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug peer's single bundle:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=5d7bf4bd spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=0:0)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug my single bundle:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=00000000 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=36:36)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug (trns_id=3DES encklen=0 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec Adjusting my encmode UDP-Transport->Transport
11:02:02 ipsec Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Transport(4)->Transport(2)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug matched
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:02 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_getspi 98
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pfkey GETSPI sent: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pfkey getspi sent.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug total SA len=64
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000001 00000038 01030401 00000000 0000002c 010c0000 80040004
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=56
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #1 len=56
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=44
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=44
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:02 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:02 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pair 1:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0x491338: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug proposal #1: 1 transform
11:02:02 ipsec,debug NAT-OAi:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01001194 2e17331c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug NAT-OAr:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 64, next type 10
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 24, next type 5
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 5
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000005 70d46d58 aa207f66 05257987 163d4da4 fa405b3b 070ee7c7 d5094271
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 2ed595e6 5c2db7ea 0cdc45f2 5272faba f6abf9bc 0a000044 00000001 00000001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000038 01030401 0b554c97 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c bfd52a81
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 31a0f706 5744cac0 5134ded6 8aefe8a2 82e9757a 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c 01001194
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0a3f6402
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug d4606eb1 c4dd53b5 8d88789c b1de4a7b 23f7dde4
11:02:02 ipsec,debug add payload of len 20, next type 1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin encryption.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pad length = 8
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01000018 d4606eb1 c4dd53b5 8d88789c b1de4a7b 23f7dde4 0a000044 00000001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000038 01030401 0b554c97 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug bfd52a81 31a0f706 5744cac0 5134ded6 8aefe8a2 82e9757a 0500000c 011106a5
11:02:02 ipsec,debug c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402 b30ea95f 3d4dcb07
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encrypted payload by IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 7543707f bb59ce75
11:02:02 ipsec,debug save IV for next:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b16b807f 33efbe00
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encrypted.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 204 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1 times of 208 bytes message will be sent to[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000005 000000cc 7bf9bbd1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet e2969438 231f33c6 9d274939 9a5bf5b3 474c8086 41eba551 325dfc03 6ed64490
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 4bff9a3f 2e1497c3 eb2569a6 194cd261 c0edd9f6 0a46b39e 109b2ea2 300934e7
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 2b9249b0 a3b281b5 52070ee6 97b716d8 c8ae4c86 fac2ebb2 ac80d851 53f8f689
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet c5fb9e1f 3bf1c06f 95d98f59 8101931b e3194ef5 76367c0f d91106a3 718136f1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet dfca84da 666c0cb8 c85a2032 8495783b 029b11d1 51ac31eb 5b272efb 959025d0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 1d0f887e b16b807f 33efbe00
11:02:02 ipsec sent phase2 packet[4500]<=>[4500] b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a:00000005
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===== received 60 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000005 0000003c 502a3733
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 9983ab00 b3b5a00a 6feabd46 6748f32a 85491d92 87415b11 4224ffa0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 87415b11 4224ffa0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b16b807f 33efbe00
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000018 b97af82d 978bf9fc fae9d6c6 0017cf8c b464e34d 00000000 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000005 0000003c 00000018
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b97af82d 978bf9fc fae9d6c6 0017cf8c b464e34d 00000000 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH(3) validate:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b97af82d 978bf9fc fae9d6c6 0017cf8c b464e34d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 00000000 0570d46d 58aa207f 66052579 87163d4d a4fa405b 3b070ee7 c7d50942
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 712ed595 e65c2db7 ea0cdc45 f25272fa baf6abf9 bcbfd52a 8131a0f7 065744ca
11:02:02 ipsec,debug c05134de d68aefe8 a282e975 7a
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b97af82d 978bf9fc fae9d6c6 0017cf8c b464e34d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:02 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 030b554c 9770d46d 58aa207f 66052579 87163d4d a4fa405b 3b070ee7 c7d50942
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 712ed595 e65c2db7 ea0cdc45 f25272fa baf6abf9 bcbfd52a 8131a0f7 065744ca
11:02:02 ipsec,debug c05134de d68aefe8 a282e975 7a
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:02:02 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 71c6d4fa d7a462b6 7dd03922 2da1b814 032b31dc e4460de6 c5e8b15a 86f47022
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 4f513c1e 7d140937 7ceadc65 64c656a5 db1c3fc3 6e8c3686 474b2952 680f4b2d
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 4493fa82 ab2c2c37 2fd06b0d 351de15b
11:02:02 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 035d7bf4 bd70d46d 58aa207f 66052579 87163d4d a4fa405b 3b070ee7 c7d50942
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 712ed595 e65c2db7 ea0cdc45 f25272fa baf6abf9 bcbfd52a 8131a0f7 065744ca
11:02:02 ipsec,debug c05134de d68aefe8 a282e975 7a
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:02:02 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 541ac1b2 cf6805b0 efdf48db 1ce765ad fddbb6c8 c2d37c10 d23fa198 9442ba7b
11:02:02 ipsec,debug aa315743 febf88b2 23e30f52 046964a4 1343fdff f1cde2fa e68412a9 8673b441
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b158b006 1721bad1 1c47fcd6 c224af06
11:02:02 ipsec,debug KEYMAT computed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug call pk_sendupdate
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_update_nat
11:02:02 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0xb554c97
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pfkey update sent.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_add_nat
11:02:02 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0x5d7bf4bd
11:02:02 ipsec,debug pfkey add sent.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug ===== received 76 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 52937e43 0000004c 882c318c
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet f89454c6 a2568119 7d9499cb 273ba289 b29434d2 fba2eedf 28ddf979 0476824e
11:02:02 ipsec,debug,packet 91948ec9 52475b50 246fc0e0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug receive Information.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:02 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 52937e43
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 86762b0f 64dd84ca
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 52475b50 246fc0e0
11:02:02 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 86762b0f 64dd84ca
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 0c000018 d7f8f61e 9f64e1f5 3e286a7d 2abe8706 6b17d714 00000010 00000001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 03040001 38c3a5e1 00000000 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 52937e43 0000004c 0c000018
11:02:02 ipsec,debug d7f8f61e 9f64e1f5 3e286a7d 2abe8706 6b17d714 00000010 00000001 03040001
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 38c3a5e1 00000000 00000000
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug 52937e43 00000010 00000001 03040001 38c3a5e1
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:02 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:02 ipsec,debug d7f8f61e 9f64e1f5 3e286a7d 2abe8706 6b17d714
11:02:02 ipsec,debug hash validated.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:02 ipsec,debug seen nptype=12(delete) len=16
11:02:02 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug delete payload for protocol ESP
11:02:02 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0x38c3a5e1
11:02:02 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0xef427a8
11:02:02 ipsec,debug an undead schedule has been deleted.
11:02:02 ipsec,debug purged SAs.
11:02:04 ipsec,debug KA:[4500]->[4500]
11:02:04 ipsec,debug 1 times of 1 bytes message will be sent to[4500]
11:02:04 ipsec,debug,packet ff
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===== received 276 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000006 00000114 9bd8c9b0
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 848d04c2 6fba5e2c ab66880d 3ecb93d0 70fb1765 28a34e28 874bac0a 10c73978
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet b7dcc9db be114422 dd3895a1 8bf0be37 85bb7aa4 e990cad3 9f5247f1 6fe6f243
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet e4d5fb33 a4fa1a04 e8c8da32 592bbaea 4909cecd ea71154f 29988e6d 4199da19
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet f9a5b4d4 a9e5ffae bc44fca7 f0813ab2 9d2472c2 f1cc0e30 9ae5875d 868d49e8
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 01eaf599 96eaadd4 7c5f9cf3 168e61e9 1fc26540 ff43ef2d 9509e3b6 b877e3dd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet a4a403aa a180ee04 ac2517a7 c59c9730 9ab238c7 6bd6130c 640d2aff 593590ab
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet ea61324f fb20d897 4c2175cf 28e66a14 7d86b3fa ce30f350 414365db a51ef28b
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet ad42e033 e9c779ab bb80a6b6 95a380f1 87fb585e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:12 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 00000006
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug e2f908dd 68c9db74
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:12 ipsec respond new phase 2 negotiation:[4500]<=>[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 95a380f1 87fb585e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug e2f908dd 68c9db74
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01000018 317c15da 3ed1f671 ce6ef1c6 61f68802 349a7331 0a000078 00000001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000001 02000038 01030401 d3a07518 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 00000034
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 02030401 d3a07518 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001 00020004
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034 9caaa6d7 ba979665 df4c9d82
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 361056f7 586f0c41 b222eb77 0e423d31 583fdd1d 05194429 6395d098 5f88582b
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 49995ab8 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01000000 c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000006 00000114 01000018
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 317c15da 3ed1f671 ce6ef1c6 61f68802 349a7331 0a000078 00000001 00000001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 02000038 01030401 d3a07518 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 00000034 02030401
11:02:12 ipsec,debug d3a07518 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034 9caaa6d7 ba979665 df4c9d82 361056f7
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 586f0c41 b222eb77 0e423d31 583fdd1d 05194429 6395d098 5f88582b 49995ab8
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=1(sa) len=120
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=10(nonce) len=52
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=5(id) len=12
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=5(id) len=12
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=21(nat-oa) len=12
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=21(nat-oa) len=12
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug received IDci2:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 011106a5 c0a8020c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug received IDcr2:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 011106a5 2e173322
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH(1) validate:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 317c15da 3ed1f671 ce6ef1c6 61f68802 349a7331
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000006 0a000078 00000001 00000001 02000038 01030401 d3a07518 0000002c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00020004 0003d090 00000034 02030401 d3a07518 00000028 01030000 80040004
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 05000034
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9caaa6d7 ba979665 df4c9d82 361056f7 586f0c41 b222eb77 0e423d31 583fdd1d
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 05194429 6395d098 5f88582b 49995ab8 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c 1500000c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01000000 c0a8020c 0000000c 01000000 2e173322
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 317c15da 3ed1f671 ce6ef1c6 61f68802 349a7331
11:02:12 ipsec,debug total SA len=116
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000001 02000038 01030401 d3a07518 0000002c 010c0000 80040004
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000034 02030401 d3a07518 00000028 01030000 80040004 80050002 80010001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=56
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=52
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #1 len=56
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=44
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=44
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:12 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #2 len=52
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=40
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=40
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:12 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pair 1:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0x489c18: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #1: 1 transform
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pair 2:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0x489d10: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #2: 1 transform
11:02:12 ipsec,debug got the local address from ID payload[1701] prefixlen=32 ul_proto=17
11:02:12 ipsec,debug got the peer address from ID payload[1701] prefixlen=32 ul_proto=17
11:02:12 ipsec,debug updating policy address because of NAT in transport mode
11:02:12 ipsec,debug new local address[1701]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug new peer address[1701]
11:02:12 ipsec searching for policy for selector: ip-proto:17 <=> ip-proto:17
11:02:12 ipsec recorded wild match: <=> ip-proto:17
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=00000000 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=36:36)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (trns_id=3DES encklen=0 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin compare proposals.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pair[1]: 0x489c18
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0x489c18: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug prop#=1 prot-id=ESP spi-size=4 #trns=1 trns#=1 trns-id=AES-CBC
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug peer's single bundle:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=d3a07518 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=0:0)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug my single bundle:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (proto_id=ESP spisize=4 spi=00000000 spi_p=00000000 encmode=UDP-Transport reqid=36:36)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (trns_id=AES-CBC encklen=256 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug (trns_id=3DES encklen=0 authtype=hmac-sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec Adjusting my encmode UDP-Transport->Transport
11:02:12 ipsec Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Transport(4)->Transport(2)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug matched
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:12 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_getspi 99
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pfkey GETSPI sent: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pfkey getspi sent.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug total SA len=64
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000001 00000038 01030401 00000000 0000002c 010c0000 80040004
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80060100 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=2(prop) len=56
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #1 len=56
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=3(trns) len=44
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug transform #1 len=44
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Encryption Mode, flag=0x8000, lorv=UDP-Transport
11:02:12 ipsec,debug UDP encapsulation requested
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Key Length, flag=0x8000, lorv=256
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=Authentication Algorithm, flag=0x8000, lorv=hmac-sha1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=seconds
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Type, flag=0x8000, lorv=kilobytes
11:02:12 ipsec,debug type=SA Life Duration, flag=0x0000, lorv=4
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pair 1:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0x493af8: next=(nil) tnext=(nil)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug proposal #1: 1 transform
11:02:12 ipsec,debug NAT-OAi:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01001194 2e17331c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug NAT-OAr:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 64, next type 10
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 24, next type 5
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 5
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 21
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 8, next type 0
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000006 9caaa6d7 ba979665 df4c9d82 361056f7 586f0c41 b222eb77 0e423d31
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 583fdd1d 05194429 6395d098 5f88582b 49995ab8 0a000044 00000001 00000001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000038 01030401 09751131 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100 80050002
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c ac13fc37
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b1a8fb80 f3401e9d 19d7a793 28cb4983 45b0ec08 0500000c 011106a5 c0a8020c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c 01001194
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0a3f6402
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug f69bbc64 9bfd4826 998f055a 967b6832 0839158a
11:02:12 ipsec,debug add payload of len 20, next type 1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin encryption.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pad length = 8
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01000018 f69bbc64 9bfd4826 998f055a 967b6832 0839158a 0a000044 00000001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000001 00000038 01030401 09751131 0000002c 010c0000 80040004 80060100
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 80050002 80010001 00020004 00000e10 80010002 00020004 0003d090 0500001c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ac13fc37 b1a8fb80 f3401e9d 19d7a793 28cb4983 45b0ec08 0500000c 011106a5
11:02:12 ipsec,debug c0a8020c 1500000c 011106a5 2e173322 1500000c 01001194 2e17331c 0000000c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 01001194 0a3f6402 b8849a41 2d388807
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encrypted payload by IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 95a380f1 87fb585e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug save IV for next:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug dbfc025f 2b444e6c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encrypted.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 204 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1 times of 208 bytes message will be sent to[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000006 000000cc f0cb27c0
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 0f2c4534 14a090c9 da1534bf e945c9a3 6522c357 7250d3b7 f0698a03 c2e3d374
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet a4766860 3f63ca12 bca809a8 0c12461a 21f28003 55d9ffaa 06e0ce27 a09fd3f0
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 66a8010f 4fc1797c eaa8acd4 d8c8e9a2 f786ae92 bff7719d 69b4b616 05da1971
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet bfe7448e e71d81fc 9228c129 945b35bf 9c95cc93 78644a72 d56c7af1 c0640772
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet d6d90d78 44be6ecc 927eac52 16c358ef 1015026a 53090845 295a4d08 e56a41fd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 75b1a379 dbfc025f 2b444e6c
11:02:12 ipsec sent phase2 packet[4500]<=>[4500] b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a:00000006
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===== received 60 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000006 0000003c af7665c0
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 01f5dc14 6d9e3b45 6cc2a3ee ad5e67e4 9600f4b6 88c9ffe0 a2184868
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 88c9ffe0 a2184868
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug dbfc025f 2b444e6c
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000018 9e19c2d3 65130dda 14aa2010 254d2947 dd3d8ccd 00000000 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08102001 00000006 0000003c 00000018
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9e19c2d3 65130dda 14aa2010 254d2947 dd3d8ccd 00000000 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH(3) validate:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9e19c2d3 65130dda 14aa2010 254d2947 dd3d8ccd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 00000000 069caaa6 d7ba9796 65df4c9d 82361056 f7586f0c 41b222eb 770e423d
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 31583fdd 1d051944 296395d0 985f8858 2b49995a b8ac13fc 37b1a8fb 80f3401e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9d19d7a7 9328cb49 8345b0ec 08
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9e19c2d3 65130dda 14aa2010 254d2947 dd3d8ccd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===
11:02:12 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 03097511 319caaa6 d7ba9796 65df4c9d 82361056 f7586f0c 41b222eb 770e423d
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 31583fdd 1d051944 296395d0 985f8858 2b49995a b8ac13fc 37b1a8fb 80f3401e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9d19d7a7 9328cb49 8345b0ec 08
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:02:12 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0d9f352a c4caca66 b8db7fe3 89ab438d 68fa7523 633f109c f6ead9f9 f1297e62
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1b435e99 9000aa2d 9bdc5be5 854405c6 ab9c852c 60d4ab97 9ac057ca e3b334d5
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 2b1bb06e 440096de 60a06b2d 79ec222a
11:02:12 ipsec,debug KEYMAT compute with
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 03d3a075 189caaa6 d7ba9796 65df4c9d 82361056 f7586f0c 41b222eb 770e423d
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 31583fdd 1d051944 296395d0 985f8858 2b49995a b8ac13fc 37b1a8fb 80f3401e
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 9d19d7a7 9328cb49 8345b0ec 08
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encklen=256 authklen=160
11:02:12 ipsec,debug generating 640 bits of key (dupkeymat=4)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug generating K1...K4 for KEYMAT.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 6526f063 513718c4 bb80ff42 441b244e e99c1088 4322e8e3 e5a7709a b8492670
11:02:12 ipsec,debug d9822a95 260daec8 d057307a 5244d92b 9abe32db 1896178e f9d2d7ed aa25a19b
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 57b0c8fb c798b0ca df55666f 52bda0cf
11:02:12 ipsec,debug KEYMAT computed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug call pk_sendupdate
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_update_nat
11:02:12 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0x9751131
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pfkey update sent.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(aes-cbc)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug call pfkey_send_add_nat
11:02:12 ipsec IPsec-SA established: ESP/Transport[4500]->[4500] spi=0xd3a07518
11:02:12 ipsec,debug pfkey add sent.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug ===== received 76 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 e73bf6dd 0000004c 09ca8a88
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet a67f21a2 66bacad2 04b6768d 7fc81c20 849e2888 a99153c4 6968907a 8afbc790
11:02:12 ipsec,debug,packet 193fa114 c5d66c01 fd9d3758
11:02:12 ipsec,debug receive Information.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:12 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 e73bf6dd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug fe3dc824 c354d01b
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug c5d66c01 fd9d3758
11:02:12 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug fe3dc824 c354d01b
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 0c000018 dbfc4c80 97aebb98 3c9d7309 c96186ca 5733e4a9 00000010 00000001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 03040001 5d7bf4bd 00000000 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:12 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 e73bf6dd 0000004c 0c000018
11:02:12 ipsec,debug dbfc4c80 97aebb98 3c9d7309 c96186ca 5733e4a9 00000010 00000001 03040001
11:02:12 ipsec,debug 5d7bf4bd 00000000 00000000
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug e73bf6dd 00000010 00000001 03040001 5d7bf4bd
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:12 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:12 ipsec,debug dbfc4c80 97aebb98 3c9d7309 c96186ca 5733e4a9
11:02:12 ipsec,debug hash validated.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:12 ipsec,debug seen nptype=12(delete) len=16
11:02:12 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug delete payload for protocol ESP
11:02:12 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0x5d7bf4bd
11:02:12 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0xb554c97
11:02:12 ipsec,debug an undead schedule has been deleted.
11:02:12 ipsec,debug purged SAs.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug ===== received 76 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 9eb1f172 0000004c 2fa10f4b
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet b04e3240 974b3aff dcf1bab5 dfab7dcf 78414cf4 2ae25630 b9e3a7d7 83c72cda
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet 2fadba35 9dc11156 697d1a11
11:02:22 ipsec,debug receive Information.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:22 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 9eb1f172
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 7a5b9764 fe5b83fe
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 9dc11156 697d1a11
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 7a5b9764 fe5b83fe
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 0c000018 2003705a 2deb9a73 e86c3f44 ef16e3e2 a8773b93 00000010 00000001
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 03040001 d3a07518 00000000 00000000
11:02:22 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:22 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 9eb1f172 0000004c 0c000018
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 2003705a 2deb9a73 e86c3f44 ef16e3e2 a8773b93 00000010 00000001 03040001
11:02:22 ipsec,debug d3a07518 00000000 00000000
11:02:22 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 9eb1f172 00000010 00000001 03040001 d3a07518
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 2003705a 2deb9a73 e86c3f44 ef16e3e2 a8773b93
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hash validated.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:22 ipsec,debug seen nptype=12(delete) len=16
11:02:22 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug delete payload for protocol ESP
11:02:22 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0xd3a07518
11:02:22 ipsec purged IPsec-SA proto_id=ESP spi=0x9751131
11:02:22 ipsec,debug an undead schedule has been deleted.
11:02:22 ipsec removing generated policy
11:02:22 ipsec,debug purged SAs.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug ===== received 84 bytes from[4500] to[4500]
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 c6c68b56 00000054 16762676
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet a5c66be1 a0fc0035 3616ce18 0b8feb93 cf0fd07b 77b37f61 893b362b b2477ce2
11:02:22 ipsec,debug,packet 871a31a6 62afea89 f514dc30 95aef531 c6c921cd
11:02:22 ipsec,debug receive Information.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug compute IV for phase2
11:02:22 ipsec,debug phase1 last IV:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug b2c25614 409a1978 c6c68b56
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hash(sha1)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug phase2 IV computed:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 806902e2 14902bf5
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug IV was saved for next processing:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 95aef531 c6c921cd
11:02:22 ipsec,debug encryption(3des)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug with key:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 1a0bea9a db95a283 c57c98a5 0c9a2a7e 78408b3b a95ae1d6
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted payload by IV:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 806902e2 14902bf5
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted payload, but not trimed.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 0c000018 05624e7a 1883a3fb 1d7f1e43 27395396 65dacd71 0000001c 00000001
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 01100001 b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 00000000
11:02:22 ipsec,debug padding len=1
11:02:22 ipsec,debug skip to trim padding.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug decrypted.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 08100501 c6c68b56 00000054 0c000018
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 05624e7a 1883a3fb 1d7f1e43 27395396 65dacd71 0000001c 00000001 01100001
11:02:22 ipsec,debug b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a 00000000
11:02:22 ipsec,debug HASH with:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug c6c68b56 0000001c 00000001 01100001 b50c2a17 cd0f8cc0 7e532323 b131e61a
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hmac(hmac_sha1)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug HASH computed:
11:02:22 ipsec,debug 05624e7a 1883a3fb 1d7f1e43 27395396 65dacd71
11:02:22 ipsec,debug hash validated.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug begin.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug seen nptype=8(hash) len=24
11:02:22 ipsec,debug seen nptype=12(delete) len=28
11:02:22 ipsec,debug succeed.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug delete payload for protocol ISAKMP
11:02:22 ipsec,info purging ISAKMP-SA[4500]<=>[4500] spi=b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a.
11:02:22 ipsec purged ISAKMP-SA[4500]<=>[4500] spi=b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a.
11:02:22 ipsec,debug purged SAs.
11:02:22 ipsec,info ISAKMP-SA deleted[4500]-[4500] spi:b50c2a17cd0f8cc0:7e532323b131e61a rekey:1
11:02:22 ipsec KA remove:[4500]->[4500]
11:02:22 ipsec,debug KA tree dump:[4500]->[4500] (in_use=1)
11:02:22 ipsec,debug KA removing this one...