iTomB What's new in v3.30: *) added support for mouse wheel scroll in field & table show columns windows; *) double click on word in "Terminal" now automatically selects and copies it to clipboard; *) fixed WinBox disconnect when selecting entries in QuickSet's "WiFi Clients" table; *) fixed crash when all inner windows were closed; *) fixed crash when opening some of interfaces; *) fixed glitches while resizing column widths or reordering table entries; *) fixed visual glitch when showing table filters and categories; *) fixed visual glitches when scrolling "Terminal" window and Zoom In or Zoom Out is used; *) made Ctrl++ & Ctrl+- still work if focus is on checkbox; *) made Ctrl+C and Enter right after text selection in "Terminal" window work as copy to clipboard; *) made Ctrl+D pass-through to "Terminal", so it is possible to terminate inner telnet or SSH sessions; *) made Ctrl+V work as paste from clipboard; *) made double click in "Torch" window work again; *) properly show "I" flag for invalid entries; *) use router's time when filling default time in "Scheduler" items;
ladik Tak toto mne potesilo: *) added support for mouse wheel scroll in field & table show columns windows;
hapi nevim jestli to je potěšující, měly to spíš dát do víc sloupců bez scrollu jako to bylo tušim u 3.29. Jinak pozor na 3.30. Má hodně problémů hlavně při změně viditelnosti sloupců. Na nabídka si dělá co chce a zobrazí i to co si člověk nevybral.