• FTTx
  • Recommend an SFP+ vendor

Mezinárodní dosah fóra....

Cisco for example

    honzam Cisco optics are way, way overpriced. It makes no sense to even ask a quote from them.

    lkcz Thanks for the recommendation. I've asked Flexoptics for a quote, even if their public prices are very expensive.


      price is expensive but quality and postsales support is best.

      for my setup it's best to keep a few transceivers and not worry about compatibility ( Cisco / juniper / hpe / whatever ) thanks to the programmer

      you can try also Fiberstore fs.com
      it´s based in China (closest warehouse in DE, "basic stuff" up to 7 days at your door), but let´s be clear, nobody (even Cisco) has production of SFPs in EU...
      Flexoptics and FS.com ale price-wise similar. But there is small difference.
      Flexoptic will sell you by-default "white-label" module and you have to program it by your self, with their programming box (you have to buy it separately) or you will pay more for "pre-coded" module.
      FS.com will sell you "pre-coded" module (you can choose on their site from majority of vendors). They also provide programming box if you need.
      We mainly use FS.com for a couple of years and in general we have no problems with quality of modules, or RMAs.
      They also have other networking gear (patches, WDMs, siwtches, NICs...)

        midnight_man ja neviem, proste vsak sa opytal, tak napiseme nie? Nemozes sa vsetkym brat reklamu, to tu nemozeme potom ani pisat ze Mikrotik Ubiquity Tachyon neviem co, ake su to super technologie... Vsetko bude potom reklama 😃
        Pride mi to uplne regulerny dotaz. U nas napriklad tiez boli myslienky ze skusme aj ineho dodavatela (aj prave flexoptics, mame tam dokonca aj nejakeho znameho), ale poviem to sproste, naco menit zabehnuty a fungujuci stroj ?
        Dodavky ok, servis ok, vyvoj/future proofing ok.
        Ked som dosiel tak sme mali SFPcka od kadekoho, Maxilink tplink noname Alternativo... Niekde Cisco z ebayu. A furt riesit kde co kupit... Nie, nasli sme si jedneho dodavatela a s nim to tahame od 1Gig po 100Gig, aj pasivne veci...
        Tak preco sa nepodelit o skusenost ? 🙂

        bad pricing on optics on FS ? Hmm...
        Okay, I just quickly check mentioned SFP+ 10Gbit bidi 20km.
        Edgeoptics about 16euro ex.VAT, FS about 40euro ex.VAT. Optical parameters are the same.
        What about support? Do they provide any programming box, or you have to send them modules back for re-program ?
        How quick they respond ?
        Price is one thing, but support is also important...

          psichac What support? I've never had a need to contact my current supplier for anything other than repeat orders. They answer emails in a few hours, but that's what I expect from any supplier.

          Why would I want to re-program an SFP? You order it with whatever vendor coding you need, stick it in a switch and run it until you decommission the switch.

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