Podle mě jich je jak kde, někde dost,jinde málo :) . Nevíte někdo něco o uvolnění dalších frekvencí dle FCC? Předpokládám to asi není norma pro Evropu, ale mohla by se jí taky chytit :
Je tam 400 a 500MHz což by se dalo do 2-3let zase zaflákat : .
FCC Expands Spectrum Available for Rural Broadband Backhaul
Introducing broadband Internet services in rural areas is a headline-attracting goal, but there are some less-spectacular, but necessary steps in the process that don’t get as much attention. One of those steps is backhaul – setting the support networks between the home Internet provider and an Internet access point. Backhaul in most metropolitan areas is over fiber optic networks, but what about rural areas where no fiber option exists?
The FCC recently ordered the expansion of the spectrum available for rural backhaul needs. Fixed Service licensees will be able to share the 6875-7125 MHz and 12.7-13.1 GHz bands with broadcast and cable TV companies, which have long used those frequencies for various auxiliary functions. The action was the fulfillment of one of the goals in the FCC’s 2010 National Broadband Plan (NBP).
Demand for broadband service is increasing and the cost of backhaul is high, whether by fiber or wireless means. The Commission hopes that opening these additional frequencies will ease some of the cost of rural broadband. The new capacity also could improve reliability and Web speeds in areas where carriers already use wireless backhaul.
“I will confess that when first briefed me on this topic during the , my eyes glazed over,” said FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski during an Aug. 9 meeting. “But I’ve come to see that this is one of the most important recommendations in the plan.”