Vo Svajciarsku protesty voci 5G https://www.jrseco.com/david-and-goliath-battle-in-switzerland-because-of-health-risks-5g-rollout/
The Bafu is responsible for establishing safety criteria against which radiation emissions can be assessed. The Bafu has said that it cannot yet provide universal criteria without further testing the impact of 5G radiation. (bafu - svajciarsky fedralny urad zivotneho prostredia je zodpovedny za urcovanie bezpecnostnyc kriterii, voci ktorym sa nasledne stanovuje vyzarovanie. Bafu sa vyjadril, ze bez dalsieho testovania dopadu 5G nemoze poskytnut bezpecnostne kriteria.
The environmental agency writes that it is “not aware of any global standard” that could be used to assess recommendations.” Therefore, the Bafu will investigate in depth the exposure caused by 5G antennas, if possible in real operational conditions. This work will take some time,” the agency said. (BAFU pise, ze si nie je vedome ziadnych "globalnych standardov", ktore mozu byt pouzite na stanovenie odporucani. Tato praca zaberie nejaky cas, vyjadril sa urad. )
Without new criteria, cantons can only grant licences for 5G infrastructure under the existing radiation exposure guidelines, which virtually exclude the use of 5G, except in a small number of cases. (Bez novych kriterii, kantony mozu len garantovat licencie pre 5G infrastrukturu len v ramci existujucich limitov vyzarovania, co uplne vylucuje 5G infrastrukturu, okrem velmi maleho mnozstva pripadov).
In Switzerland, where the rollout of 1st wave 5G, operating at the 3.5 Gigahertz frequency, has already started, health complaints are being reported by people living close to the new transmitters, writes Physicians for Safe Technology. (Vo Svajciarsku, kde sa uz rozbehla prva vlna 5G, operujuca na 3,5GHz frekvencii sa zacinaju objavovat prve zdravotne komplikacie u ludi zijucich blizko vyzarovacov. )