ISP, prosím. Když už nasazujete IPv6, tak to udělejte pořádně.
4.2.3. Prefixes, longer than /56
It is strongly discouraged to assign prefixes longer than /56 unless there are very strong and unsolvable technical reasons for doing this.There are enough IPv6 addresses to delegate end-users a /48, so a /56 already represents a sizeable restriction. There is no need to delegate fewer addresses than that, so if your IPv6 allocation is insufficient to provide a /56 to each end customer (remember there are 134 million /56s in a /29 and 16,7 million in a /32), explain to your RIR that your initial allocation was too small and that you require a larger allocation based on your IPv6 implementation plan. Offering less than a /56 can be feasible if just a /29 is allocated and 6RD is being used, as an IPv4 address is embedded in the IPv6 prefix. However, even in this case, a larger allocation from your RIR can be justified and the transition protocol allows other ways to sort it out.
Assigning a /64 or longer prefix does not conform to IPv6 standards and will break functionality in customer LANs. With a single /64, the end customer CPE will have just one possible network on the LAN side and it will not be possible to subnet, assign VLANs, alternative SSIDs, or have several chained routers in the same customer network, etc.
Teď to řeším s, kteří přidělují jen /64 na přípojku, takže IPv6 nasazovat do jedné kanceláře nebudeme, protože by bylo dostupné jen pro jedno oddělení a zbytek by jel na IPv4. Tuhle nekonzistenci v síti nechci.